on the bus ride have not updated the blog in awhile and I apologize huge personal issues have arose and huge workload slammed with some crazy twin baby crap.
things will calm though weather getting befter here which really helps the days go better
on the bus ride have not updated the blog in awhile and I apologize huge personal issues have arose and huge workload slammed with some crazy twin baby crap.
things will calm though weather getting befter here which really helps the days go better
if I had just met amy I would think she knew how to cook. healthy meals with a great taste. she made some soup kouskous beans and shit. was ready good.
she will be a good wife after all.
would say I have annoyed all with this but I ask now an organized person due to amdroid and remember the milk program.
I ben using so much I signed up for a year and am really able to customize and wife and I can share tasks.
things get crazy with twins and I rather enjoy something which has already saved me time.
well for those.who know we are still.working on what is.troubling little coco. we have agreed with doctor and specialist to not give any formula for 1 week to help narrow down if issue is a milk allergy. if we do.determine.it is a milk allergy then we need.extremely expensive.formula which insurance will help.to.recover some.costs but there is.the possibility that the baby will completely reject it.
poor.coco.a.baby without formula.is.a.rough life as they get so comforted from this expected nutrition.
I bought some of this special formula today just to help.coco get through her week I hope.it was not.a.waste.of money either way anything to help her out now im willing to try