Well for those in the know this is a bit outdated now but the season finale of True Blood has always been a depressing time in the Soukenka household. This is one of those shows that you need to turn down all the lights and get sucked into a Virtual Reality of some of the best actors and greatest story lines of all times.
As time moves on both zombies and Vampires remain cool for us boys and add in a few hot chicks and us boys are happy as hell. Well True blood goes one step further and gives something for the ladies! Well I am just depressed now talking about this as well the time is over but you can see an emotional piece of work of our last night of the summer. This show OFFICALLY ends summer.
I wish the lighting was better but shit I had to get to the show!
Not sure what it is with these two but they Sure do LOVE putting crap over there heads. They run around constantly putting underwear t shirts whatever they can over there head just so they can fuss and rip it off in a panic. I must say these two are weirdos!
I knew it Claire is a pot head.
Again with putting crap on her head?!
Yep it still stays cute with these two they loved our patio this year and got outside a good amount of time. Next year we are plotting some fake grass plants etc I have it in my head but who knows where our life will land us in the next year we are a bit crazy yah know!
This is there little summer pool not full of water now but they do love it when we fill it up.
The beginnings of Claire's ima shithead look little future fucker!
Yep finally getting some hair. Amy is very sad she does not have nice long hair to brush and groom I in a stupid ima man attitude said I would be happy if they were bald until they are old enough to take care of there own damn hair!
s they love to be hunted growled and thrown around. I would far call them fragile especially Coco. Claire prefers games and entertainment of a more relaxing and suitable nature and Coco just wants to be thrown tassled bitten and chased Jesus they are so much different!
Lots going on in our life lately and not a whole lot of time for much else but work and babies. It's been fun though just going through that stage in our life transformation to adults and learning the ropes of reaching the milestone that is 30 years old hehe.
We did however splurge and buy a pimpass LG washer.
This damn washer has been a bit of an obsession with me I have been hiding in the bathroom ignoring Amy and reading the manual while watching it at work. We needed this purchase even though our other washer was relatively new because a family of 4 and no damn dryer left us really struggling to keep up with a washer made for a bachelor.
This is no run of the mill washer either damn thing spins both ways the clothes has steam cleaning capabilities to really clean your clothes and it seems the steam only cycle is enough to save us a good majority of time over the weekend from ironing my shirts for work as it seems to take the wrinkles out of at least the easy care work shirts I have.
With the cost of European electricity and the lack thereof of dryers being the norm we now have a beast of a washer that was rated the most efficient of 2011! Amazingly quiet enough you can run it at night and the loudest part of a 1400 RPM spin cycle is the draining of the water.
Yep so far happy with the purchase if yah can't tell. Nice part too was paying for deliver and installation what a relief to just walk in and go cool and turn it on! From a mouse click to throwing my clothes in the washer the next day boy I love the future.