Gonna start out with a really cute video of COCO dancing with her mommies shoes on. Yep you missed a lot while we have not been posting like this little gem.
They are just getting so big now and really lot’s of fun when they are not banshee screaming little jerks. They really have a personality and thanks' to there mothers hard work they know sign language really well. It is weird when they can not talk how much they can put together with hand signs.
They actually know sign language so well they see a bird and do bird they see outside they do the sign for that. Best of all they are able to tell us things they want like if they are all done they wave there arms in the air after eating or put there fingers together for more.
This video series is very entertaining and all the girls want to watch. They even love it when this comes on and we all dance around the house.
If you want to see the whole thing here yah go volume 1
. We know this video word for word move for move as we have probably watched it now over 400 times literally no friggen joke.
The good news is the girls speak fluently on request any sign language form this video and even recognize what it means cool huh!
Yep with there newfound language they really are communicating and it is cool to know even though they can not talk we get to know more about them.
We will try to get more caught up on what they are going through and throw at yah some good stuff but just know they are getting much bigger much smarter and really are little people now.