I must say for a guy that doesn’t know diddly squat about kids(includes me) the Internet age has really changed the way for analyzing and developing your children. Just by simple searches in for example you tube I was watching some of the videos just to ensure all is good at least in this department and I love it the girls are ahead for there age speaking wise even though they were born premature! Even there doctor is proud of there development yeah I have smart kids
I guess that is a dream for all parents.
I know this is because of Amy’s hard work with them each and every day I am so proud of her she is always up on this stuff always in forums always studying new tactics and has managed to really keep these girls ahead of the game so for this I want to thank mainly my wife you rock!
Tina has confirmed there great depth of knowledge and I begged and pleaded her to be honest as we do not have all the family and friends most people have and she was talked for awhile and while they are bullheaded like there mother they are also really smart.
On top of this they have been so cute and while there words are so limited Amy’s hard work with Baby Signing Time has paid off because I can communicate with them well beyond there English level and know what they think and like. Tonight for example while watching Peppa the Pig the girls would throw there hands in the air and sign Stars everytime it was nighttime so I got to see that they just love stars.
On top of the on top of they are really communicating with each other in some strange language of there own already and what is funny is hearing “ZA ZA BAAAAH BAAHA SKDFJIEOJSLKDFJ …. GO GO GO (pointing fingers) and the other one runs off to grab something. Very strange they really carry conversations. Can’t wait to see this develop more.
Parenting is both fun and scary at the same time
Youtube search (first page): 20 month old talks
Youtube search (first page): 20 month old vocabulary
Bing Search: 2 year old how much should they be able to say
First page of forums with 1000’s of comments confirm above everything above.
I will have to get a video up show off or get amy to update this blog with there words because it is so many and so many more coming each day. My how they grow quickly it was like just a month ago my god I sound like a cliché but it is more then true that kids do grow up really quickly.
The good news is I do not look back at all rather enjoy just having them grow up as it gets better with time that is for damn sure. Unfortunetly we are still in the troublesome years and are approaching the “terrible two’s” and hopefully this is a cliché I need to completely go through but they sure are bratty at times or maybe that’s because it is times two…