Yep we finally got out of our previous crappy place and settled in a nice apartment where we finally for the first time here got that feeling of home. The location is great kids park right outside our window and just a place where our stuff fits right. We were actually content and planning a long stay in this place but our landlord out of the blue reported that she lost her place and needs this place back grrr..
She is actually being really nice about it and feels really bad so has helped out financially and reworked the contract a bit but we still are losing an enormous amount of money at well a bad time. Amy just paid a lump sum for some schooling and we were still working on paying off our debts. With a move here comes the realtor fee which we paid to move in and now again to move to a new place totals about $2000 then on the new place you have to pay of course a deposit and a couple months rent so there goes another $2000 dollars… Yep the soukenka’s are financially tapped out now. On top of the general stress of finances we are losing a comfortable piece of our life and forced to get movers and start packing up right away.
When your already so far from home and kicked outta a place like home this takes a good toll on your emotions but of course you suck it up laugh a little bit and the good news is there is some positive!!! The place we found looks great the landlord looks great and well for similar to what we pay now we get a much better dwelling and lots of benefits for the whole family like large fields close to my work schools all around and a nice nature and “new” feel to the area.
I have not seen it yet as I was watching the babies while Amy went to pay the deposit but with lots and lots of hard work from Amy and a definite suck it up stay strong mentality we are as well off as we could be right now so gratz to Amy and the joyous part now here are some pics and such.

This shows the outside from Google Streetview our place is on the right and the owners is on the left. Basically we get a garage the house is behind that and the top two windows are the upstairs with bedrooms second bathroom and all that fun stuff.
It’s a pretty big place with a large fenced in backyard where we have been informed we can do whatever we want leave toys out there throw in a pool whatever! So we get that good ole house feeling.

We will be the second tenants only so the place is very new as you can see. This picture shows the nice countertop Stove and YEAH a dishwasher again!
Little spot for the microwave and the cupboard on the left is a fridge so we will again have two fridges when we bring ours.

This is if I remember right located upstairs and is the living room. The furnishings will be staying.

This is the master bedroom where Amy has informed me above this is a large skylight. We will most likely store our bed and use this bed as it is similar to the one we have and of course already there and ready.

This is going to be the girls room the bed pulls out and has a second bed thing under it which if needed we will buy a new matress for but the twins are going to be without there cribs. We figured with the move is a good time for a bed change. I am sure this will be fun but I agree this is a good time to try it and well the stuff is already there.

This is the hallway upstairs between the two bedrooms and has nice storage which we really need at this point so yeah! The flooring is as nice as it looks here all through the house.

This is one of the bathrooms which contains the shower so I guess we can call this the Master Bathroom. Nice towel warming rack and below you can see the shower which is right to the right of this photos.

This is as mentioned above the shower. No bathtub which is going to make the girls really sad but for me this looks really nice.
Wonder how it will go with twins and no baths poor girls hehe.

This is the bathroom upstairs no shower/bath but a good place to pop a quick poopoo or take a piss without adventuring too far or if the girls take up the other bathroom I gotta place to go.
Amy is now asking to run around on Google Maps and show off the area including the park around it and such so let me move and let her grab some pics!

As you can see it looks like Amy will have lots of nice sidewalks to walk on this is on a road but there are some nestled slower roads and as you see below lots of fields.

Close by an endless field to do endless kid shananigans

This will be there school nice playground looks to be nice building yeah I think they will like it.

A bus stop by a lake how nice maybe I can take up fishing.