Our bed has been really irritating and likes to fall off at all four corners. I have been getting nagged for sumtime ta fix this darn thing but had to figure out a way to doo it because well it’s broke and the screws are in the middle of the bed so hrmmm how can I do it. Two nights ago at about 3AM our whole bed collapsed so yeah decided the supporting it with books just waddnt cuttin it
I got it DOOR HINGES will GIT R DONE GOOD (bet you didn’t guess that one world!)
In case you need this handy dandy tip to fix an IKEA style bed pay attention.
First off this whole project will entertain twins for awhile so lets start out with that bit. Coco is the tool girl she follows me around with screwdrivers and fixes things which is cute and Claire likes to run around and collect tea packets my goodness they are so different.
Lookeee here an indoor trampoline
Ok back to the bed thing
Step 1) Take off springs and mattress

Step 2) Support the bed with books while you work on it

Step 3) Pre drill holes then mount your door hinge

Step 4) Check on baby who has obtained dangerous tools

Step 5) Finish all sides then put bed back together!