hey are definitely girls I try so hard to get them into some boyish things but when it comes to all the things you picture a girl would do well they both do it. Picking flowers, whining and screaming about clothes, wearing 10 shirts and literally 20 socks around the house because they can’t decide what to wear to using birthday candles to think they are painting there nails. Not sure if this is typical girl behavior at there age but by goley it’s nuts.
On this voyage the girls were picking all kinds of flowers and putting them in my pockets like little collectors. Every now and then we would stumble across an apple tree and trust me when it comes to apple trees it reigns supreme on the baby awesome scale over bas
ically everything in the world so we pick apples and lots of them.
We did a lot of curb climbing along our mission too especially Claire and the whole mission is to run curb to curb and count to ten for each step in both English and Spanish. I am not even joking when I say she can count higher then me in Spanish I get brain stuck at about 7.

This walk was everything you would expect from a dreamy romance novel scene of a Sunday stroll with the family.
We later went through a big field of dirt by our house and the girls got some private alone time but also had some learning lessons on setting there apples in dirt then eating them ewww and I was unable to clean the apples and Claire especially got pretty mad I could not complete a simple task like this.
We had some rompin fun along the way too in this video it is the girls running up and down and Coco loving getting told shes fast. That girl is a bit on the wild side and while Claire loves to be told she is silly Coco loves a good your fast cheerleading session.