This Christmas Season we took a few adventures to stare at other people's lights. It was a great adventure and instead of just sitting in the car we would drive to a house get out then run up and down the street then back to the car to drive some more.
Was digging through my old posts and see I never published this one... It was several months ago and I was just collecting media and haven't typed anything. Oh... Hrmmm I will just post it now!
All of us were outside chatting and came inside and Coco had an evil
grin on her face. As I looked around I saw the irobot vacuum with a My
Little Pony riding along on the top.
I caught the end of it at least here is the video.
The girls had a great Christmas this year! First we started with a book each night until Christmas which was a great idea as going to bed we had a fun reading surprise each night. Even with the constant Christmas reminder this morning Rick Tina Amy and I were all sitting out waiting for them and they were still in there room. I think they had forgotten or figured we would just say in blah blah days again. Finally I flung the door open and said Wow Santa came and they lit up.
My little pony and slippers how cool
Coco got silly putty and thought this was super cool. She somehow wrapped it around her whole hand and mommy had to come show me how cool that was.
My dad picked out a squirt gun since he's weird and it turned out to be the first present opened. Coco had no idea what that thing was for well until later when I showed her in the hot tub. definitely a Coco Toy.
Doc mcstuffins and lamby shoes for the girls
Doc Mcstuffins Checkup center. This little bad boy was hard to find. Ebay freaks were selling it for crazy amounts and we finally got one. Guess this was the hot Xmas toy for this year.
Well the restaurant we had planned for which had a nice Thanksgiving dinner advertised turned out to have a massive line and full parking lot. So well we ended up at Denny's. Well not what we were thinking for the holiday but the food was god and the girls had fun at least.
Note to future Next year either plan the restaurant thing better or cook at home
Well this year we decided to be lazy and are planning a trip to simply go to a restaurant. This seems like the easiest approach this year as we don't really have any family around these parts.
The girls are still super excited and well we save all sorts of time this year!
Well the girls woke up and got to see eggs littered all over the place and soon discovered that there was candy inside! They actually got annoyed when they found on of the eggs that we all colored last night because those don’t taste so good so they would just leave them there.
We put out probably 30 plastic eggs so there was lots of collecting to be done even had to get the shopping cart to help lighten the load. Coco seemed a bit more humble then Claire happily stopping to enjoy the one eggs candy inside and didn’t seem so worried about the more more more concept of getting as many as you can. I guess this attitude could be both good and bad in life well see Coco
At the park by our house they were doing free hotdogs, hamburgers, snowcones, popcorn as far as the food goes. For the kids there was a princess castle jumping thing along with a race course for the slightly older kids. There was even a fire truck where the girls got to meet some fire fighters and sit in the back of a real live truck! Surprisingly even though there girls they really liked that which was cool.
It also turned out that after waiting in line they got a good hard 7 minutes inside the jumping castle and were not scared at all to go tumbling down a giant slide. Even the attendant said they have no fears at all do they which is incredibly true.
They got some Easter Eggs filled with candy in the fiasco of kids running around and Coco was the leader of this one with a clear mission of collecting eggs.
Well this is the girls first lets call if official Easter and my goodness are they getting a treat. There was a community event that Amy took them to a couple days ago and here are some of the photos. They got to meet and of course site on the Easter bunnies lap. Claire was a social butterfly and wanted to play with the Easter bunny while Coco was a bit sceptical as to what this was all about.
The next day at school they had a full Easter celebration and got to meet the bunny once again! When we picked them up the looked like they had the best day of there life screaming and telling us all kinds of whacky stories about there day at school.
Another punch to this is today we have purchased all the egg paraphernalia and there is a much bigger community event by our house we will be taking them to. The plans are this will be all followed up with an Easter dinner.
I will at a later point get the Easter bunny photo from school up and get some more pics and video of the shenanigans we endear as the day progresses. I am letting them sleep in a bit now as they will miss there nap today.
Well the Soukenka household has been a bit berzerk lately and extremely fast paced. Since it's been a bit crazy here are some bulletpoints on what Amy has been going on.
Amy's Itinerary
Getting the girls to school twice a week
Starting college
Taking the girls to gym classes
Reading books on her new Kindle (thanks Tina!)
Started potty training the girls
Shopping and meal planning
Experiencing random thoughts of suicide when experiencing excessive obnoxious days of whining
Loads of laundry and cleaning
Eric's Itinerary
Loads and loads of intense work no time for lunches
Hours exceeding 55 hours
Come home to crazy kids
Sit around and watch TV after 8:30
Wake up and back to it
Lots of potty dancing
Lots of setting up my own cloud service
Dinkin with my super cool smart phone
My Itinerary sure doesn't seem to stack up but trust me when I say it's been a load of work I mean it I am thrown in a mix of crazy projects and debugging some really deep crap. Good news is I am exceeding the expectations of my work and everyone is happy with my progress. I have also learned a tremendous amount and the job is a perfect fit.
Good news is we are living pretty happy and getting all the stuff we need to turn this place into a home. The girls are doing really good in school. Bad news is life has been really busy and as parents we don't have much time for each other with the fast paced life and what not. Amy's parents are leaving us in a couple weeks so we lose a lot of help and entertainment around here.
Well its definitely time if not well overdue for the girls to learn how to use the potty. With all the moving and changes over the past time we have held off and now that they are a bit stabilized and learning with the kids in school we are so far so good.
We bought the potty brought it home and its been the talk of the house still. The first time Coco pottied she was more happy then I have honestly seen her in her whole life! It led to singing and dancing and a house full of joy. This is going ungodly easy so far on day 2! The school will knock out a couple days for us helping us get them started and with there grandparents here helping coupled with there age this is going eezy peezy hopefully it stays that way.
I would have loved to have some of the other videos but did grab one this morning right after Coco got done. The chair is really cool too it detects when there is even a drop of pee and starts playing some groovy music making it all that much more fun.
Yep my girls are getting settled in in two days a week school yeah! So far they are loving it so much they actually are sad when Amy shows up to pick them up ha! Woot glad it’s not the other way around and shows they are getting so big already yeah!
From the analysis so far from the teachers they are associating great with the other kids and actually are separating frequency and making there own friends. We were with them being twins and all worried they would just have there own little click and not care so much about the other kids.
There was one day where Claire wasn’t feeling so good that she actually was laying on the carpet you see above during the day and Coco felt bad for her and they just layed together and cuddled which everyone thought was pretty cute.
First report card they better all stay this good!!!!