This Christmas Season we took a few adventures to stare at other people's lights. It was a great adventure and instead of just sitting in the car we would drive to a house get out then run up and down the street then back to the car to drive some more.
Was digging through my old posts and see I never published this one... It was several months ago and I was just collecting media and haven't typed anything. Oh... Hrmmm I will just post it now!
All of us were outside chatting and came inside and Coco had an evil
grin on her face. As I looked around I saw the irobot vacuum with a My
Little Pony riding along on the top.
I caught the end of it at least here is the video.
The girls had a great Christmas this year! First we started with a book each night until Christmas which was a great idea as going to bed we had a fun reading surprise each night. Even with the constant Christmas reminder this morning Rick Tina Amy and I were all sitting out waiting for them and they were still in there room. I think they had forgotten or figured we would just say in blah blah days again. Finally I flung the door open and said Wow Santa came and they lit up.
My little pony and slippers how cool
Coco got silly putty and thought this was super cool. She somehow wrapped it around her whole hand and mommy had to come show me how cool that was.
My dad picked out a squirt gun since he's weird and it turned out to be the first present opened. Coco had no idea what that thing was for well until later when I showed her in the hot tub. definitely a Coco Toy.
Doc mcstuffins and lamby shoes for the girls
Doc Mcstuffins Checkup center. This little bad boy was hard to find. Ebay freaks were selling it for crazy amounts and we finally got one. Guess this was the hot Xmas toy for this year.
Well the restaurant we had planned for which had a nice Thanksgiving dinner advertised turned out to have a massive line and full parking lot. So well we ended up at Denny's. Well not what we were thinking for the holiday but the food was god and the girls had fun at least.
Note to future Next year either plan the restaurant thing better or cook at home